Deleted Facebook

I quit Facebook in July. Deleted my account. Simplifying my life. Less to worry about, less to stress about, and less of an online footprint to get me in trouble. Sure I lose some connections with people, but how deep those connections were? Better focus on improving connections with a few close friends, meeting more often in real life. 

Was Facebook useful for activism? It announced events, but was unreliable for news, and didn't give me a real outlet to express myself in a meaningful way. Rather than typing a few words and sharing stuff online, the focus should be on organizing in real life. Join Meetup groups and actual organizations. Go to meetings and meet real people. This is what's important. This is what I need right now. 

Facebook confirmation of deleted account

Facebook has proved negligent in using my data, and gleefully allows paid trolls and bots to rule the place. I don't need to waste my time and energy on that. I survived the loss of EP - a social networking site that was far more important to me and actually changed my life. The loss of Facebook is but a minor milestone. 

The recovery was far quicker than I thought. My fingers itched a couple of time on the first day, moving the mouse to where the Facebook icon used to sit on my desktop. But the addiction quickly wore off. I made an am implementing a FEXIT plan for easing me back to life before Facebook. This includes making better connections irl with real people, and going back to TV, newspapers, and reliable news sites. This blog is part of the plan to give me a meaningful outlet for self-expression.

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